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第七届中国力学学会青年科技奖(2000年度 获奖人:吴子牛 龙勉 何锃 王建祥)




何  锃   
  性 别 男  
  职 称 教授  
  地 址 华中科技大学力学系,武汉    
  邮 编 430074


龙  勉  
  性 别 男  
  职 称 研究员  
  学 历 博士  
  地 址 北京北四环西路15号中国科学院力学研究所    
  邮 编 100080    
  电 话 (010) 62613540    
  传 真 (010) 62613540    
  简 历 1980.9-1984.7 上海交通大学动力机械工程系 科学学士    
        1984.9-1987.7 重庆大学生物工程研究中心 硕士生提前攻博    
        1987.7-1990.7 重庆大学生物工程研究中心 工学博士 (中日联合培养)    
        1989.3-1990.3  日本群马大学工学部生物及化学工程系 联培博士    
        1990.7-1992.4 重庆大学生物工程研究中心 讲师    
        1992.4-1995.3 重庆大学生物工程研究中心(院) 副研究员    
        1995.3-2000.7 重庆大学生物工程研究(学)院 教授    
        1996.6-1999.8 美国佐治亚理工学院机械工程系 高访学者
        2000.7-至今 中国科学院力学研究所 院"百人计划" 研究员, 博士生导师    
        2002.11-至今 国家杰出青年基金获得者
  代表论著:1. Jun Huang, Juan Chen, Scott E. Chesla, Tadayuki Yago, Padmaja Mehta, Rodger P. McEver, Cheng Zhu, and Mian Long. Quantifying the effects of molecular orientation and length on two- dimensional receptor-ligand binding kinetics. J. Biol. Chem., Vol.279(43):44915-44923
            2. Lü S.Q., and Long M. 2004. Forced extension of P-selectin construct using steered molecular dynamics. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 49(1): 10-17.     
            3. Marshall B.T., Long M., Piper J.W., Yago T., McEver R.P., and Zhu C. Direct observation of catch bonds. Nature, Vol. 423: 190-193.    
            4. Song G.B., Wu W.Q., Long M., Wu Z.Z., Liu B.A., Wang B.C., and Cai S.X.2002. Investigation on the viscoelasticity of synchronous hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Vol. 24: 327-332.    
            5. Zhu C, Long M., Chesla S.E., and Bongrand P. 2002. Measuring receptor/ligand interaction at the single bond level: Experimental and interpretive issues. Ann. Biomed. Engi., Vol.30: 305-314.    
            6. Long M., Zhao H., Huang K.-S., and Zhu C. 2001. Kinetic measurements of cell surface E-selectin/carbohydrate ligand interactions. Ann. Biomed. Engi., Vol.29: 935-94.    
            7. Shao K.F., Wu Z.Z., Wang B.C., Long M., and Cai S.X. 2000. Effects of colchicines and cytochalasin D on the adhesion properties of the HCC onto the collagen IV/laminin coated surface. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Vol. 19(1): 55-59
            8. Wu Z.Z., Zhang G., Long M., Wang H.B., Song G.B., and Cai S.X. 2000. Comparison of the viscoelastic properties of normal hepatocytes and hepatocarcinoma cells under cytoskeletal perturbation. Biorheology, Vol. 37(4): 279-290.
            9. Wang X., Wu Z.Z., Song G.B., Wang H.B., Long M., and Cai S.X. 1999.Effects of oxidative damage of membrane protein thiol groups on erythrocyte membrane viscoelasticity. Clin. Hemorheo. & Microcircul., Vol.21:137-146.    
            10. Long M., Goldsmith H.L., Tees D.F.J., and Zhu C. 1999. Probabilistic modeling of shear-induced formation and breakage of doublets cross-linked by receptor-ligand bonds. Biophys. J., Vol.76:1112-1128.    
            11. Long M., Wang H. B., Wu Z. Z., Wu Y. P., and Sakanishi A. 1994. Effect of electric field on erythrocyte sedimentation rate IV. Volume fraction dependence of human red cells in plasma. Biorheology, Vol.31, No.3:287-296.    
            12. Toyama Y., Long M., Dobashi T., Sakanishi A., Cerny L. C., and Oka S. 1990. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate VI. Comparison of deformability in hardened and intact erythrocytes. Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan, Vol.33:615-616.    
            13. Long M., Toyama Y., Dobashi T., Sakanishi A., Wu Y. P., and Oka S. 1990. Effect of electric field on erythrocyte sedimentation rate III. Volume fraction dependence in saline solution. Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan, Vol.33:623-626.    
            14. Long M., Toyama Y., Dobashi T., Sakanishi A., Wu Y. P., and Oka S. 1990. Effect of electric field on erythrocyte sedimentation rate I. Enhancement in saline solution. Biorheology, Vol.27, No.2:241-246.    
            15. Long M., Toyama Y., Dobashi T., Sakanishi A., Wu Y. P., and Oka S. 1990. Effect of electric field on erythrocyte sedimentation rate II.Dependence on electric current. Biorheology,Vol.27(5): 769-777.

  性 别 男          
  职 称 教授,博士生导师  
  学 历 博士  
  地 址 北京大学湍流与复杂系统国家重点实验室    
  邮 编 100871          
  简历 1995年获悉尼大学博士学位,1996年和1997年分别在帝国理工学院和阿尔堡大学从事博士后研究。    
  论 著:在包括Proc Roy Soc London A、Journal of Mechanical Solids、International Journal of Solids and Structures等杂志在内的国际学术杂志发表论文30多篇, 研究成果被他人引用40多次。    


  性 别 男  
  职 称 教授,博士生导师  
  学 历 博士  
  地 址 北京交通大学工程力学系    
  邮 编 100044    
  电 话 (010)-51688471    
  传 真 (010)-51682094    


  性 别 男  
  职 称 教育部特聘教授,博导  
  学 历 博士  
  地 址 清华大学工程力学系    
  邮 编 100084    
  电 话 (010)-62773794    
  传 真 (010)-62784116    
  简 历 1995年02月:法国教育部客座教授(接待单位ENSAM)    
  社会任职:国外期刊《Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal》地区编辑,国内刊物《计算物理》执行编委 , 空气动力学会常务理事,计算空气动力学专业委员会委员 ,海峡两岸CFD学术会议常任秘书长     
  代表论著:1.Z.N.Wu, Conservation of three-point compact schemes on single and multiblock patched grids for hyperbolic problems, J. Comput. Math., vol.21, pp.383-400,2003    
            2.Z.N.Wu and Ke Li, Anisotropic Cartesian grid method for steady inviscid shock flow computation, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol.41, pp.1053-1084, 2003    
            3.Z.N.Wu and H. Zou, Efficient parallel method for implicit upwind schemes approximating the Euler equations in gas dynamics,J. Comput. Phys., vol.187, pp.683-715, 2003.    
            4.Z.N.Wu, Backward formalism to derive the size of secondary ejected droplets produced by crown splashing of drops impinging on a solid wall, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol.1, pp.57-67,2003.    
            5.T. Du, J. Shi, and Z.N.Wu, Mixed analytical/numerical method for flow equations with a source term, Computers and Fluids, vol.32, pp.659-690,2003.    
            6.Z.N.Wu, Interface treatment of a three-dimensional hybrid inviscid/viscous flow problem, Math.Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 12 (12): 1707-1724, 2002.    
            7.Z.N.Wu, Expansion fan in forced and passively moving frames, Acta Mechanica (Europe), vol.156, pp.235-247, 2002.    
            8.Z.N.Wu, A note on the unified coordinate system for computing shock waves, J. Comput. Phys., vol.180, pp.110-119,2002.    
            9.Z.N.Wu and S. Fu, Positivity of K-epsilon turbulence models for incompressible flow, Math. Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol.12 (3), pp.393-406,2002.    
            10.H. Zou and Z.N.Wu, Grid overlapping for implicit parallel computation of 2-D N-S equations, CFD Journal, Vol.10, pp.599-606,2002    
            11.Q. Du, M. Mo, and Z.N.Wu, Efficient parallel algorithms for parabolic problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal.,Vol.39, pp.1469-1487,2002    
            12.Z.N.Wu, Most unstable waves on a liquid blown by a high speed viscous gas with a Blasius velocity profile, Acta Mechanica (Europe), vol.149, pp.69-83, 2001    
            13.Z.N.Wu, Transmission of a slow shock wave across a non-conservative grid interface, J. Comput. Phys., vol.171, pp.579-615, 2001    
            14.Z.N.Wu, Linear well-posedness of a hybrid inviscid/viscous flow problem, Acta Mechanica (Europe), vol.145, pp.19-34,2000.    
            15. Z.N.Wu and H. Zou, Grid overlapping for implicit parallel computations of compressible flows, J. Comput. Phys., vol.157, pp.2-43, 2000.    
            16.Z.N.Wu, Steady and unsteady shock waves on overlapping grids, SIAM J, Sci. Comput., vol.20, pp.1851-1874,1999.    
            17.Z.N. Wu, Anisotropic Cartesian grid method for viscous flow computations, CFD Review, vol.1, pp.93-113 , 1998    
            18.G. De-Spiegeleer, A. Lerat, and Z.N.Wu, Implicit multi-domain computations of compressible flows with a large number of sub-domains, CFD Journal, vol.7, pp.245-264,1998.    
            19.B.Granier, A.Lerat, and Z.N.Wu, An implicit centered scheme for incompressible one- and two-phase flow computation, Computers & Fluids, vol.26, pp.373-393 ,1997.    
            20.Z.N.Wu, A genuinely second order accurate method for viscous flow computations, Lecture Notes in Physics,vol.490,pp.255-260,1997.    
            21.A. Lerat and Z.N.Wu, Stable conservative multidomain treatments for implicit Euler solvers, J. Comput. Phys., vol.123, pp.45-64 ,1996.    
            22.Z.N.Wu, Uniqueness of steady state solutions for difference equations on overlapping grids, SIAM J. Numer. Anal.,vol. 33, pp.1336-1357, 1996.    
            23.Z.N.Wu, Convergence study of an implicit multidomain method for compressible flow computations, Computers & Fluids, vol.25, pp.181-196, 1996.    
            24.Z.N.Wu, Compressible flow computations on overlapping grids, Lecture Notes in Physics,vol.453, pp.183-187, 1995.


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