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CHEN, Xiao Ya (China). b.21-8-1955. PhD, Director, Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, Shanghai Institute of Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China. Chen is interested in plant molecular biology with the following major achievements: 1) elucidation of gossypol biosynthesis pathway at molecular level; 2) identification of the MYB gene involved in cotton fiber development; 3) development of a new phytoremediation method; 4) identification of transcription factors controlling root cap development.
Elected as Fellow.
MENG, Anming (China). b.22-7-1963. PhD, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Meng is famous for identifying new mechanisms and new factors in vertebrate embryonic patterning, particularly in mesoderm induction, and for discovering a new approach for dissecting tissue-specific activities of a complex promoter in living embryos. Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has won the 2007 HLHL Prize, the Qiushi S&T Foundation award and several others.
Elected as Fellow.
3.杨焕明,基因组学家。中国科学院北京基因组研究所研究员。杨焕明教授一直从事基因组科学的研究。他主持完成的 “人类基因组计划—中国卷”使中国成为这一被称为“二十世纪登月计划”的宏伟项目的成员国,得到了各国领导人和国际科学界的高度赞扬。杨焕明教授及其团队(“华大基因”)所承担的人类基因组、水稻基因组以及家猪、家鸡、家蚕基因组等重大项目使我国的基因组研究得以跻身于世界前沿。2003年,“华大基因”又在水稻基因组完成图、家蚕基因组“框架图”的绘制以及SARS冠状病毒的基因组研究及建立诊断方法都做出了新的成绩。杨焕明教授还特别关注基因组研究的社会影响和基因知识的普及。
YANG, Huanming (China). b.6-10-1952. PhD. Yang is well known for his outstanding achievements in genomics and bioinformatics. Among his many awards are the 2005 TWAS Prize in Biology, 2003 Award for Outstanding Team in Science and Technology Achievements, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2003 Nikkei Asia Prize for Science, Japan, 2002 Research Leader of the Year, "Scientific American", USA, 2002 Award for Outstanding Team in Science & Technology, "Qiu Shi" S & T Foundation, Hong Kong, and the 2001 National Nature Science Awards of China, Second Prize, Ministry of S & T, China. He is also the Coordinator-in-China, of the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, The International HapMap Consortium, and the International Chicken Genome Sequencing Consortium.
Elected as Fellow.
4.段树民,博士,博士生导师,中国科学院“百人计划”获得者。 研究兴趣为受体、转运蛋白、离子通道及其信息转导机制。近几年主要研究星形胶质细胞参与神经元信息处理的机理。现承担国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“脑发育和可塑性的基础研究”(2000-2004)。2007年当选中国科学院院士。
DUAN, Shumin (China). b.20-10-1957. PhD, Professor, Institute of Neurosciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Shanghai 200031, China. Duan has discovered new roles for astrocytes in the brain, in neuron-glia interaction, and the critical role of astrocyte-derived D-serine in synaptic plasticity. A member of the Chinese Academy of Science, he has been a Distinguished Young Investigator of CAS in 2001, the Top 10 News of Achievements in Basic Sciences Research in China in 2003 and 2006.
Elected as Fellow.
5.刘德培,中国工程院院士、医学分子生物学家,现任中国工程院副院长、中国医学科学院院长、中国协和医科大学校长、中国协和医科大学研究生院院长。主要从事基因调控和基因治疗的研究,包括分化与发育的基因表达调控、转基因动物与疾病模型、 基因转移与基因治疗等方面的工作。
LIU, Depei (China). b.4-5-1950. PhD, President, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China. Liu has established transgenic models of two globin gene clusters and apoA1 gene cluster, and found core sequence of HS2, and also the increased efficiency of oligonucleotide-mediated gene repair through slowing replication fork progression. He is a member and the President of CAMS, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and has won a large member of national S&T awards and the top award of Chinese Medical Science & Technology of the Ministry of S&T, China.
Elected as Fellow.
YANG, Pan-Chyr (Taiwan, China). b.8-2-1954. MD, PhD, Dean and Professor, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Yang is known for his contribution in identifying the gene expression signature and micro RNA signature outcome prediction and personalized therapy of lung cancer as well as the pharmacogenomic significance of EGFR mutations and anti-EGFR treatment in lung cancer. Fellow of Academia Sinica, he has won all the major awards of Taiwan.
Elected as Fellow.
ZENG, Yi-Xin (China). b.10-3-1962. MD, PhD., Professor and President, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, China. Zeng has been studying nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), a common malignancy in southern China. Results from his team regarding predisposing gene identification, chromosome alterations, somatic gene mutations and methylation of tumor suppressor genes have provided a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying NPC development. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and has won the awards for the top ten scientific achievements and advancement of medicine and health sciences in China.
Elected as Fellow.
CAO, Yong (China). b.14-10-1941. PhD, Professor, Institute of Polymer Optoelectronic Materials and Devices, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China. Cao was the first one to develop flexible polymer light emitting diodes (PLED) and all printable PLED with printed cathode. He proved that the EL quantum efficiency of PLEDs can exceed the theoretical limit of 25%. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has won the Chinese National Award of Natural Science.
Elected as Fellow.
MA, Shengming (China). b.29-5-1965. PhD, Professor of Chemistry, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. Ma is an organic chemist with special achievements in the areas of allenes and their functionalization with organic halides, and efficient synthesis of cyclic compounds using one-step route to steroids in a stereo-selective manner. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has won the 2004 IUPAC-OMCOS award, Qin Shi award apart from many national awards.
Elected as Fellow.
LEE, Der-Tsai (Taiwan, China). b.5-4-1949. PhD, DSc(hc), Distinguished Research Fellow & Director, Institute of Informational Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Lee is well known for his contributions to design and analysis of algorithms; computational geometry and its applications to VLSI circuit layout, routing and manufacturing; software security and digital libraries, museums and archives. A fellow of the Academia Sinica, he has won the Outstanding Research Award Pan Wen-Yuan Foundation of Taiwan and The Information Science Honorary Medal of Taiwan.
Elected as Fellow.
FANG, Jingyun (China). b.21-7-1959. PhD, Professor, Department of Ecology, College of Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China. Fang has developed the methods for estimating carbon stocks of Chinese forests, grasslands, croplands and soils, quantified their changes over the past decades, and developed a national-scale carbon cycle scheme. He has also documented China's vegetation patterns and dynamics in relation to climate changes and explored biodiversity patterns of China's mountains. A member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fang has won both the National Young Scientists Award and the Natural Sciences Prize.
Elected as Fellow.
MU, Mu (China). b.31-8-1954. PhD, Professor, State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences, and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China. Mu's major accomplishments relate to stability problems in geophysical fluid dynamics, and in the predictability of weather and climate, in which he has proposed and applied a new method called CNOP to study the El Nino Southern Oscillation. An academician of CAS, he has won the Youth Prize of China Association of S&T, Chinese Young Scientist Prize, and the 'Baojie' Excellent supervisor and Teacher Prize of CAS in 2006.
Elected as Fellow.
LONG, Yiming (China). b.14-10-1948. PhD, Professor and Director of the Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University Tianjin, China. Long has made fundamental contributions to Hamiltonian dynamics. In particular, he is acknowledged for his iteration theory for symplectic matrix paths, and for his deep studies on periodic solution orbits of Hamiltonian systems. A member of the Chinese Academy of Science, he has received the 2004 TWAS Prize in Mathematics, the Natural Sciences Award (first class), the SS Chem Prize and the Qiushi Foundation Prize.
Elected as Fellow.
14.王恩哥,现任中国科学院副秘书长。研究员,博士生导师。同时任香港大学Honorary教授。2007年当选中国科学院院士。主要研究方向:轻元素纳米新材料探索及其物理性质; 原子尺度上的表面生长动力学;受限系统中水的行为与特性。
WANG, Enge (China). b.1957. PhD, Professor & Director, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China. Wang has done pioneering work on the synthesis of tubular graphite cones and nanobells, and innovatively studied the formation and decay mechanisms of surface-based nanostructures. He has also been involved in the discovery of upward atomic diffusion and three dimensional Ehrlich-Schwobel barrier, and has predicted the two dimensional tessellation of ice. He has been awarded the TWAS Prize in Physics in 2005, and also the Humboldt Research Award, the Zhou Pei-Yuan Physics Prize, IBM Faculty Award, and the Science and Technology Awards of Beijing and of China. Elected member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007.
Elected as Fellow.
ZHANG, Jie (China). b.31-1-1958. PhD, Professor, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Zhang has published over 81 papers on X-ray lasers (>1,100 citations). His major contributions include the first demonstration of saturated operation of X-ray lasers close to the water window and research on the generation and propagation of hot electrons in laser plasmas. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has won 7 major awards of China, the Qiushi Young Scholar Award, and the Humboldt and KC Wong Fellowships and the TWAS Prize in Engineering Sciences (2007).
Elected as Fellow.


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